Welcome to Haus Flamingo

The location

This 3 bedrm/2 bath Haus has charm, it has charisma, this Haus has seen things...This Haus is close to everything, it will keep your secrets, and will make your butt look amazing.





Ice Palace

Liquor Store

grocery Store

The Perks



Hot Tub

BBQ Grill

Outdoor shower

Primary Bedroom Suite

Sun, Sand & Fun!

The Lewk

The tea

Check In/Out

We need time to turn the house for our next guests so it’s in an acceptable shape before they arrive. Please don’t make us ask you to hurry up or ask you to stay out until we’re done. 

  • Check in is Friday after 4PM. The gate will be locked to allow us time to clean the house.

  • Check out is Friday before 10AM. Which means everything needs to be out beforehand. 

house occupancy

Haus Flamingo has 3 bedrooms/2 bathrooms and the pricing is based on 6 people renting the house. We know you'll make friends but they need to stay in their house. We collect sea shells...not boys.

no pets

Unfortunately no pets. We love dogs. We love cats. We love all of your pets but they are not allowed in Haus Flamingo...unless you own a flamingo, then let's talk.

Haus Cocktail


Pineapple Juice

splash Lime Juice

splash Grenadine

